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What to expect

  • Children will get muddy! Please dress children appropriately in clothing that ​they are free to move around in and get dirty in.

  • There is a designated area with a portaloo toilet if children or ​parens/careers require.

  • We do have hand-washing facilities and we encourage all children to wash ​their hands before eating. You might prefer to bring your own hand towel ​to use as our may become muddy.

  • Children are welcome to bring snacks and drinks. Please ensure there are NO ​NUTS! Hot drinks will be provided for adults attending the stay and play ​sessions. Children are required to bring their own packed lunches to Holiday ​Club sessions.

  • After booking your session you will be sent an information pack.. This will ​include everything you need to know, as well as a form which you are ​required to fill in and return to us all about any medical conditions, ​allergies that you and your child may have and all additional data we ​require.
Organic Irregular Blob with Drop Shadow
Organic Irregular Blob with Drop Shadow
Organic Irregular Blob with Drop Shadow